Folded Map
Illinois • Tonika Johnson
From the 2021-2022 We, Women nationwide exhibit.
About the project
Tonika’s Folded Map™ Project connects residents at corresponding addresses on opposite sides of Chicago. She investigates what urban segregation looks like and how it impacts residents. What started as a photographic study quickly evolved into a multimedia exploration with video interviews, inviting audiences to open up dialogue and question how we are all impacted by social, racial, and institutional conditions that segregate us. Tonika’s goal is to help people understand how urban environments are structured and to challenge everyone to consider solutions. “I want Folded Map to help us heal and get to know each other so that we can tear down the racist walls that divide us.”
More Resources
The Folded Map Movie
Access the We, Women Education Resource Guide here, where you can dive more deeply into the 19 We, Women projects and think more deeply about collaboration and community!
About the Artist
Tonika Lewis Johnson is a visual artist and photographer from Chicago’s Englewood neighborhood who explores urban segregation and documents the nuance and richness of the Black community. She is a Co-founder of the Resident Association of Greater Englewood (R.A.G.E). In 2019, she was named one of the Field Foundation’s Leaders for a New Chicago and was recently appointed member of the Cultural Advisory Council of the Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events by the Chicago City Council.